Jan 02, 2025  
2012-2013 College of Liberal Arts Catalog 
2012-2013 College of Liberal Arts Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

About the College


The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools has accorded Drew University full accreditation. The College’s programs are approved by the American Chemical Society, and, for pre-legal training, by the states of New Jersey and New York . The New Jersey State Department of Education recognizes the University with full approval for veterans’ training.

The University is a member of the American Council on Education, the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of New Jersey, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, and other regional and national organizations.

Programs/Degrees Offered

The Bachelor of Arts Degree

To complete the Drew B.A. degree, students must earn at least 128 credits, of which at least 48 must be completed at Drew. Students must complete 64 intermediate and upper-level credits, of which at least 32 credits must be at the upper level. All students must complete a major and fulfill the requirements of the general education program. For graduation, a student’s cumulative grade point average, both overall and in the major, must be at least 2.0.





Explanations of Terms


  • 100-199: lower level
  • 200-299: intermediate level
  • 300 and up: upper level

Seminars: Seminars are limited to advanced students in the field. Registration often requires approval of the instructor.

Credits: Credit hours granted for successful completion of a course are listed in parentheses following the course titles.

Prerequisites: Course descriptions note required prerequisites courses and grades in those courses.

Enrollment limitations: Each course has an enrollment limit. Some courses are offered in multiple sections. Individual preferences are accommodated whenever possible, but students are not guaranteed assignment to a particular course section. The University reserves the right to cancel scheduled courses for which it judges enrollment to be insufficient.

Frequency of Course Offerings: Some courses are offered each semester or annually; others are offered over a two-or three-year period. Whenever possible, frequency is noted in the course description.

Class Schedule: Classes normally meet three days a week for 50- or 65-minute periods, or two days a week for 75- or 90-minute periods, Monday through Friday. Some classes have an added discussion period or laboratory. A few classes, particularly advanced seminars, may be held during an evening period. Seminars normally meet weekly for one two-and-a-half-hour session.

Other Academic Programs

Dual-Degree Program (B.A./M.D.) in Medicine

A formal articulation agreement between the College of Liberal Arts of Drew University and the New Jersey Medical School (NJMS) of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey makes it possible for prospective first-year students to apply directly to a special, seven-year dual-degree program in medicine. Students are admitted simultaneously to both Drew and New Jersey Medical School. They then spend three years of study at Drew and four years at NJMS, completing both the B.A. and M.D. degrees in 7 years.

Dual-Degree Programs in Engineering and Applied Science

The College maintains cooperative arrangements with Columbia University and Stevens Institute of Technology for students interested in an engineering or technology degree. Under these programs, a student spends three years at Drew and two years at the other school in a dual-degree program. Upon successful completion of the dual program, the student receives a B.A. Degree from Drew and a B.S. or B.Eng. degree in one of the engineering sciences or applied sciences and technologies at Columbia University or Washington University, or a degree in chemical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. Highly qualified students may earn a master’s degree in engineering or technology; such a program, however, requires more than five years of study. Students in this program complete at least 96 credits at Drew, including general education requirements and the requirements for a major. The student, with consent of the major department, may complete some major requirements at the cooperating institution.

Forestry and Environmental Management Program

The programs in forestry and environmental management are carried on cooperatively with the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University . Drew students spend three years at Drew and two years at Duke in an integrated course of study leading to both the Bachelor of Arts degree from Drew and the Master of Forestry or Master of Environmental Management degree from Duke. The Master of Forestry degree is intended for those who anticipate a career in forest resources; the Master of Environmental Management degree provides professional training with a choice of concentrations: water and air resources; resource ecology; resource economics and policy; coastal environmental management; environmental toxicology and risk assessment; and biohazard science. Admission to this program is competitive, requiring at least an A- average and an excellent score on the Graduate Record Exam. Students must complete Drew’s general education requirements and a major, usually in biology, so early planning of course choices at Drew is important. A detailed description of the program is available from Dr. Sara Webb, Forestry and Environmental Management Program adviser.

Academic Internships

Internships provides students with supervised work experience that enriches skills and theories learned in the classroom and demonstrates how they are applied in business, industry, community agencies, and government. This experience is also an important way to explore possible career choices while still in college. Students are required to prepare a learning contract that details the goals and objectives of the project, explains how the project involves responsibility within the organization, and demonstrates clear relevance of the project to studies at Drew. Qualified students may also complete an internship project through the Federal Community Service Program. Students should consult the academic internship coordinator for more information about the program.

Chemistry Cooperative Program with Industry

Through this cooperative program, qualified chemistry majors work full time for a designated period at a nearby industrial corporation. The work in industry takes the place of one of the required advanced laboratory courses in chemistry and is losely supervised and graded even though the student is also a paid employee of the company. By careful planning, a student in this program is able to complete the degree program in the usual four years, including a semester and two summers of full-time industrial employment. Application for admission to this program is made in the fall of the sophomore year. (For this reason, transfer students normally are not eligible.) Because the final decision to hire a student rests with the cooperating company, admission to the program cannot be guaranteed. However, every effort is made to find suitable placement for eligible applicants. Details about this cooperative college-industry program may be obtained from the chair of the chemistry department.

The London Semester

Offered in the spring semester annually, allows students to explore political and social change in Britain. Courses focus on the interplay of British history and politics, and literary and theatrical portrayals of social and political themes. The program is directed by a Drew faculty member, and classes are taught by a continuing staff of distinguished British faculty. Field trips to political meetings, party conferences, theaters, and museums, along with guest speakers from British political, literary, and theatrical life, are a regular feature of the academic program. Students live in apartments prearranged by the program staff. A variety of cultural activities and special events introduce the students to the cultural life of London.

The Semester on the United Nations

Students interested in the study of international relations have the unique opportunity to participate in the Semester on the United Nations. This fall semester program, directed by a Drew faculty member, offers focused study of an important international organization. On Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the semester, the students meet in New York at the Drew facility on United Nations Plaza. Speakers from various organizations associated with the United Nations share their insights about how the organization functions and how it deals with the issues confronting it. Students participate in segments of the same training developed for diplomats new to the United Nations. This is an eight-credit program, and students take two additional courses on campus to complete a full academic schedule.

The New York Semester on Contemporary Art

New York, the center of the contemporary art world, is home to more than 100,000 artists, 1,000 galleries, and 10 major art periodicals. It is the vital location for the Drew Semester on Contemporary Art, directed by a Drew faculty member and offered in the fall semester. Students in this eight-credit program spend two days each week in New York visiting artists, critics, and arts professionals, and viewing art in museums and galleries, plus attending a seminar on campus. There are many opportunities for dialogue with leading figures in New York ‘s contemporary art world. To complete a full academic course load for the semester, students may do an internship in New York or take additional courses on campus.

The Theatre Semester

Each year senior Drew theatre arts majors have the opportunity to spend a semester studying and interning with a theater company in New York City or another location in the metropolitan area. Each internship involves a degree of responsibility and a variety of tasks, allowing the student to gain a working knowledge of the professional theater as both a business and an art. During the semester, regular meetings and seminars are held with program participants, supervising faculty, and theater supervisors to examine the student’s work and discuss various topics relating to the professional theater. In addition to the internship and its activities, students in the program write several research papers under the direction of a faculty supervisor.

The Wall Street Semester

The Wall Street Semester, offered annually in the spring, gives students a thorough introduction to financial markets and institutions. Students spend two days per week in New York City, attending presentations and discussions by prominent executives, government officials, institutional shareholders, economists, and other members of the financial community, and participating in a course offered by the program director, a member of the Drew faculty. This eight-credit program focuses on the operation of the financial sector located in the Wall Street area and considers the impact of Wall Street on the U.S. economy at all levels (local, state, national, and global). It offers students a solid background in the relationship of Wall Street to the rest of the economy, centering on finance but also including macroeconomic, historical, and ethical dimensions. Two semesters of introductory economics are prerequisites for participation in the Wall Street Semester, which is open to students majoring in any discipline.

Summer Programs

Drew offers several sumer programs each year. Please consult the Office of International and Off-Campus Study.

Academic Integrity Policies

Instructors shall report alleged cases of violations of the Academic Integrity Policy to the Dean of the College. Students should help to maintain the standards of the college by reporting to the instructor any violations of the policy they observe in his or her class. The usual response to an allegation that the Academic Integrity Policy has been violated is for the Dean of the College to convene an Academic Integrity Committee as described below. When the allegation is the first one made against a student, and the alleged offense seems minor or even unintentional, an Alternative Resolution Procedure may be attempted. This procedure applies only when the student, the instructor, and the Dean of the College agree that it is appropriate, and all of the steps described below under Alternative Resolution Procedure must be completed for the matter to be resolved without a full hearing by an Academic Integrity Committee.

Alternative Resolution Procedure

The student admits misusing sources and violating the Academic Integrity Policy and agrees to correct the work in a manner satisfactory to the course instructor. The student completes and signs a form that describes the violation and the corrective measures to be undertaken and includes a promise that the problem will not occur again.The instructor completes and signs a form that describes the incident and certifies that it has been resolved satisfactorily. That form, together with all documentary material from the case, will be placed on file in the office of the Dean of the College, where it will remain until the student’s file is destroyed one year after the student graduates. If the student is later found to have committed another violation of the standards of academic integrity, the documentary material on file from any prior invocation of the Alternative Resolution Procedure will be used as evidence of a first offense in the penalty phase of the hearing and the penalty will be more severe than it would be for a first offense.