Mar 06, 2025  
2020-2021 Theological School (Admitted Fall 2020/Spring 2021) 
2020-2021 Theological School (Admitted Fall 2020/Spring 2021) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Academic Accommodations

Academic Accommodations are handled by the Office of Accessibility Resources

Academic Advising

All students are assigned an academic advisor at entrance to the Theological School. While students work with the same advisor throughout their programs, it is common for faculty members who may not be the original advisor to provide mentorship for extended papers, theses, and dissertations. 

Academic Calendar

Courses are offered in the fall semester, January term, spring semester, and summer term.  Many required courses are offered only in the fall and Spring semesters.  January term and spring semester courses are added together in considering a student’s scholarship and full-time status.

Academic Honors and Prizes

The Theological School does not award academic honors. However, several prizes for excellent student performance in a variety of areas are awarded at the annual Honors Convocation and are listed in the graduation bulletin.

Academic Integrity Policy

See Here 

Academic Standards

Master of Divinity Program

Qualitative Progress: M.Div. degree students must maintain a minimum 2.0 G.P.A. each semester and a cumulative minimum 2.0 G.P.A., based upon completion of a minimum of nine credit hours per academic term. A student who fails to achieve this G.P.A. minimum is placed on academic warning or probation for one semester. Students who remain on warning or academic probation for a second semester may lose their scholarship eligibility.

Quantitative Progress: Students who wish to complete the degree in six semesters must earn at least 28 credits per year. Full-time students who will complete the degree in eight semesters must earn 21 semester hours per year. Full-time students who have completed fewer than 42 credits at the end of their fourth semester may be required to file a plan of studies approved by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee showing how they plan to complete the degree within eight semesters. All academic requirements for the degree must be completed within seven years from the date of initial matriculation.

Extended track students are expected to earn at least 15-18 credits per year. Students who have completed fewer than 42 credits at the end of their third year in the program may be required to file a plan of studies with the Graduate Academic Standing Committee. All academic requirements for the degree must be completed within seven years from the date of initial matriculation. Financial aid awards for extended track students are limited to a total of twelve semesters.

Master of Arts and Master of Arts in Religion Programs

Qualitative Progress: M.A. and M.A.R. degree students must maintain a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. each semester and a cumulative minimum 3.00 G.P.A., based upon completion of at least nine credit hours per academic term. A student who fails to achieve this G.P.A. minimum is placed on warning or academic probation for one semester. If the student is placed on warning or academic probation for the following semester, she/he may be ineligible for financial assistance.

Quantitative Progress: Full-time students are expected to complete the degree in four semesters. Full-time students must register for a minimum of nine hours per academic term and a maximum of fifteen. Drew’s financial aid awards are limited to a total of six semesters. All academic requirements for the degree must be completed within five years from the date of initial matriculation.

Master of Arts in Ministry and Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry Programs

Qualitative Progress: M.A.M. and M.A.T.M. in Ministry degree students must maintain a minimum 2.0 G.P.A. each semester and a cumulative minimum 2.00 G.P.A. A student who fails to achieve this G.P.A. minimum is placed on warning or academic probation for one semester. If the student is placed on warning or academic probation for the following semester, she/he may be ineligible for financial assistance.

Quantitative Progress: Full-time students are expected to complete the degree in four semesters. Full-time students must register for a minimum of nine hours per academic term and a maximum of fifteen. Drew’s financial aid awards are limited to a total of six semesters. All academic requirements for the degree must be completed within five years from the date of initial matriculation.

Master of Sacred Theology Program

Qualitative Progress: S.T.M. degree students must maintain a minimum 3.00 G.P.A. each semester and a cumulative minimum 3.00 G.P.A. A student who fails to achieve this G.P.A. minimum is placed on warning or academic probation for one semester. If the student is placed on warning or academic probation for the following semester, she/he may be ineligible for financial assistance.

Quantitative Progress: Students are expected to complete the degree in no more than four semesters. Exceptions require the approval of the Graduate Academic Standing Committee. Although only 21 credits are required to complete the degree, Drew’s financial awards apply for up to 24 total credits. All academic requirements for the degree must be completed within four years from the date of initial matriculation.

Doctor of Ministry Program

Qualitative Progress for Courageous Leadership in a Changing Culture DMin students entering in or after 2019: D.Min. degree students who receive a NQ course assessment at any time during the first eighteen credits of their program will be placed on academic probation and be required to meet with the Director of Doctoral Studies to establish a plan for improvement.  A second NQ (even if acquired in the same semester) will result in the student being withdrawn from the program or, in extenuating circumstances, permitted by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee to repeat course(s) in an attempt to achieve qualifying assessment. Students granted such permission to repeat a course who still fail to achieve a Q will be withdrawn from the program.

Qualitative Progress for all other DMin students: D.Min. degree students must maintain a cumulative minimum 3.2 GPA in the first twelve credits of their program. Students who fail to achieve this minimum may be withdrawn from the program or, in extenuating circumstances, permitted by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee to repeat course(s) in an attempt to achieve the minimum GPA. Students granted such permission who still fail to achieve the minimum GPA will be withdrawn from the program. Students whose cumulative or semester GPA falls below 3.2 after the first six credits will be placed on warning or probation according to the guidelines below.

Quantitative Progress: The normal time for completion of this part-time advanced professional degree program is three years and a total of 30 credits distributed as follows: 12-18 credits in the first year (including one summer), 6-12 credits in the second year, followed by the remaining credits for the satisfactory completion of the research and writing phase of the program. All requirements for the degree must be completed within five years from the date of initial matriculation. Students who are not registered for any courses in a given semester must register for Continuing Registration or file for a Leave of Absence.

Ph.D. Program

Students must be making qualitative and quantitative academic progress to maintain financial assistance eligibility.

Qualitative Progress

Students must maintain at least a 3.1 GPA (3.4 for students beginning Fall 2009 and later) in doctoral programs to remain in good academic standing. Failure to maintain this average will result in a letter of warning in the first semester after the average fails to meet the standard. Continued failure to attain the minimum GPA can result in academic probation or termination from the program. Students who have not met the required average at the conclusion of the stipulated number of courses required for a given degree may not seek to meet the required average by taking additional courses without specific permission from the Graduate Academic Standing Committee, in consultation with the student’s area faculty. Students who are subject to academic review are also subject to financial assistance review.

Faculty will review a student’s academic performance before approving the petition for the comprehensive examinations. The maintenance of the minimum required GPA, therefore, does not necessarily qualify the candidate to complete the doctoral degree. Similarly, faculty will also review a student’s academic performance at the conclusion of comprehensive examinations. Successful qualification of the comprehensive exams does not necessarily qualify the candidate to complete the doctoral degree.

Quantitative progress

Students who are receiving merit scholarships of full tuition and stipend must be enrolled full time. Students receiving 80 percent of tuition or a full tuition waiver must carry a minimum of six credit hours per semester. All academic requirements for the degree must be completed within seven years from the date of initial matriculation.


Appeals of decisions made by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee must be made in writing by the student to the committee.

Minimum Degree Requirements


78 credit hours with a grade average no less than a C (2.00).


84 credit hours with a grade average no less than a C (2.00) [prior to fall 2018].


43 credit hours with a grade average no less than a B (3.00).

M.A. in Min. & M.A.T.M.:

45 credit hours with a grade average no less than a C (2.00).


44 credit hours with a grade average no less than a B (3.00).


21 credit hours with a grade average no less than a B (3.00).


30 credit hours with no more than one NQ course assessment OR

18 credit hours with a grade average no less than a B (3.20) and the

satisfactory completion of a professional project for 12 credit hours.

Academic Standing

Students are expected to maintain satisfactory progress, as determined by the Theological School and the Graduate Academic Standing Committee. At the end of each term, the Graduate Academic Standing Committee conducts a review of all student progress. Students whose records do not meet qualitative or quantitative degree standards are placed in the following academic standing categories:


Students previously in Good Standing will be placed on Warning for any of the following reasons:

  1. M.Div., M.A.M., M.A.T.M. and M.T.S. students with a semester or cumulative GPA between 1.99 and 1.40. M.A. and S.T.M. students with a semester or cumulative GPA between 2.99 and 2.75;
  2. A failure to satisfactorily complete credits according to minimum progress standards for the degree;
  3. A withdrawal from all classes in a fall or spring semester.

A student on Warning who at the end of a fall or spring semester has satisfactorily met the minimum credit and grade point levels described above will be returned to Good Standing. A student on Warning who at the end of fall or spring semester has not made satisfactory academic progress and returned to Good Standing will be placed on Probation or may be dismissed.


Students will be placed on Probation for any of the following reasons:

  1. M.Div., M.A.M., M.A.T.M., and M.T.S. students with a semester or cumulative GPA between 1.39 and 0.00. M.A. and S.T.M. students with a semester or cumulative GPA between 2.74 and 2.00.
  2. D.Min. students who receives a NQ course assessment;
  3. A student who has already been on a semester of Warning for either unsatisfactory GPA or progress.

Students on probation are restricted to 10 credit hours during the probationary semester and must complete at least 6 credit hours. Students who do not attain the GPA and progress minimums may be recommended for leave of absence or required withdrawal.

Required Withdrawal

Students can be placed on required withdrawal for any of the following reasons:

  1. Any student who receives all “F’s” in any one semester;
  2. Any D.Min. student who receives a second NQ course assessment;
  3. Any student who has been on probation and has not returned to Good Standing at the end of the probationary semester;
  4. Students with two or more non-consecutive semesters on Warning or Probation.

Under exceptional circumstances only, a student on Required Withdrawal may appeal to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee to be re-admitted in the next term. If the appeal is approved, the student will be reinstated and placed on Probation. Such re-admissions are granted only in unusual cases, and in no cases may a student be readmitted twice.

Except in the case of grade appeals, appeals of decisions made by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee may be made in writing by the student to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The associate dean will convene a three person committee of faculty and administrators to hear the appeal of the decision and render a final decision. The decision of this committee is not eligible for further appeal.


Students are responsible for class attendance and for the prompt and regular performance of all assigned work. Faculty members are not obligated to review class material, give makeup examinations, or make special arrangements to accommodate absences. Faculty may indicate in the syllabus a maximum number of absences that are allowed before a student fails a course.

Attendance via remote technologies (Zoom, facetime, etc.) is not equivalent to in person attendance. Attendance for classes scheduled to meet on campus should be in person. Watching a class recording does not substitute for attendance in either a synchronous online class or a class that has on campus and online components. Any exceptions must be proposed or approved by the instructor.

Complaint Process

Drew University is committed to creating a positive environment for all students. The institution has established policies and procedures to foster such an environment. Students may consult the catalog, the Vice President of Campus Life and Student Affairs/Dean of Students’ Office, Daniel’s Dictionary (the Student Code of Conduct) and the Drew University Consumer Information webpage to learn about these policies. Additionally, individual departments and offices have policies and procedures that pertain to the work they do with and for students.      

Informal Complaint Process

Many issues can be resolved through open and honest communication between the involved parties. Any student who experiences a problem should first try to resolve the issue informally with the individual(s) or office(s) most directly connected with the issue at hand. 

Formal Complaint Process

If the problem is not resolved through the Informal Complaint Process, students should refer to the following policies to determine the appropriate steps for filing a formal complaint:   

Existing Policies:

If the problem is not addressed by one of the existing policies, students may submit a complaint to the Associate Dean for the Theological School. To submit a formal complaint, the issue must either interfere with the student learning experience or involve potential violation of University policy or stated operating procedures. The complaint must be submitted either by email to or in writing, signed by the student, and received by the Associate Dean for the Theological School.

Credit Earned Elsewhere (Transfer Credit)

M.Div., M.A.M, M.A.T.M., M.A. and M.A.R. Degrees

Every candidate for the master’s degree programs must complete all degree requirements, including any supervised ministry or internship requirement. Transfer credit may not be used to replace required courses. However, after matriculating at Drew, and in consultation with an advisor, students may apply for waivers of required courses based on their coursework elsewhere. This is a separate process. See requirement waivers.

To be considered for a transfer of elective credits, complete a petition to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee. With the petition, the student should provide a transcript and the number of credits requested. This petition will be reviewed by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee. A decision will be communicated to the student and the Registrar by the office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. 

Previous academic credit must meet the following criteria:

  1. The credit is from a graduate theological school accredited by the A.T.S. in the United States and Canada. Credit from unaccredited seminaries will be considered on a case-by-case basis with appropriate documentation provided by the student.
  2. The grade is no lower than a “C” graded on a conventional grading scale. “Pass” grades are not considered for transfer unless the student has documentation to indicate that the work was at least C level.
  3. The course was completed within 10 years prior to matriculation at Drew.

The following guidelines also apply:

Theologically-oriented credits in an uncompleted degree: Students may transfer up to one-half of the credit hours (39) of the M.Div. program at Drew and one quarter (12) of the M.A.M., M.A.T.M., M.A.R. or M.A. program.

Theologically-oriented credits in a completed degree: Credits from a completed degree may be considered for transfer credit provided their cumulative Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) for that degree was 3.0 or higher. Drew transfer credit is limited to not more than fifteen hours toward the M.Div. degree. Not more than one half of the credits required for the previous degree may be transferred. M.A.R., M.A, M.A.T.M., and M.A.M. students may not transfer any credits from a previously completed degree.

Non-Theological Completed Degree: Graduate credit hours in a non-theological degree with a cumulative Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) of 3.0 or higher may be considered for up to twelve hours of transfer credit for the M.Div., provided that the courses are related to studies at Drew. Petitions for such transfer should include a written explanation of how the courses relate to the degree pursued at Drew. M.A., M.A.R., M.A.T.M., and M.A.M. students may not transfer any credits from a previously completed degree.

The maximum number of credits a student may transfer to the M.Div. from completed and uncompleted graduate degrees combined is 39 credits, not more than 15 credits of these may come from completed graduate degrees.

S.T.M. Degree

No credit may be transferred into the S.T.M. program.

D.Min. Degree

Students may petition to transfer up to 2 courses (6 credits) into the D.Min. program. Petitions for such transfer should include a written explanation of how the course relates to the degree pursued at Drew. To request a credit transfer, complete a petition to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee.

Ph.D. Degree

In order to be considered for transfer credit for the Ph.D., the student must first complete one year of full-time study (or the equivalent) and pass at least one language examination.  Students are advised not to present requests until they have met these conditions. No student is guaranteed advanced standing and indeed advanced standing is normally discouraged, regardless of a student’s level of performance.

Students desiring to transfer credit must initiate the process by submitting to the GDR Director a written request supported by syllabi, transcripts, and other academic credentials as necessary (including, for example, copies of major papers written for the courses in question), which will then go to the Area for action, and finally to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee.  

The following guidelines apply:

1. No more than one semester (9 credits) of course credit may be given for previous work at the graduate level in a student’s field. The petition should first be brought to the student’s Area. The Area will consider not only whether the student’s previous work is appropriate for doctoral credit but also whether the student will be sufficiently prepared to proceed to comprehensive examinations with less than 36 GDR-earned course credits. On the recommendation of the Area, the petition can be submitted to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee.

2. Credit toward advanced standing for graduate courses (regardless of the degree earned) is evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Normally, work undertaken for professional degrees such as the M.Div. or D.Min. degrees (or their equivalent) is not eligible for credit toward advanced standing unless the academic content of the courses is clearly demonstrated as appropriate for Ph.D. credit.

3. In the special case of transferring courses from a S.T.M., note that:

a. Ph.D. candidates need to complete the S.T.M. before beginning the Ph.D. program.

b. Each Area may either designate courses not transferable for graduate credit, or individually evaluate S.T.M. candidates.

         c. Completion of the Drew S.T.M. degree does not guarantee admission to the Drew Ph.D. program.

Certificate Programs

No credit may be transferred from other institutions into the following certificate programs:

  • Certificate in Interfaith Peacebuilding
  • Certificate in Religious Leadership and Social Transformation
  • Certificate in Restorative Justice and Prison Ministry

Up to 3 credit hours may be transferred into the following certificate programs:

  • Certificate in Anglican Studies
  • Certificate in Graduate Theological Studies
  • Certificate in United Methodist Studies

Previous academic credit must meet the following criteria:

  1. The credit is from a graduate theological school accredited by the A.T.S. in the United States and Canada.
  2. The grade is no lower than a “C” graded on a conventional grading scale. “Pass” grades are not considered for transfer unless the student has documentation to indicate that the work was at least C level.
  3. The course was completed within 10 years prior to matriculation at Drew.

Transfer Credit at Admission

Applicants who meet the requirements for admission and have completed courses at another theological school accredited by the A.T.S. (Association of Theological Schools) may be considered for transfer admission. Applicants who wish to be considered for transfer credits should notify the Admissions office during the application process. A written transfer assessment will be produced for the applicant. All transferable elective credit can be applied to the student’s permanent record after successful completion of 10 credit hours at Drew Theological School. At such time, the student must request the transfer using a petition to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee.

Credit Hour Policy

Drew University complies with federal (U.S. Department of Education), Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), and New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) regulations pertaining to degree requirements and credit hours.  Drew University’s undergraduate degree requires the successful completion of 128 semester credit hours. Graduate programs range from 18 to 84 credit hours depending on the degree and the standards. 

Drew University’s academic year is separated into fall and spring semesters, each running 15 weeks, a two to three-week January term, and two summer terms, each six weeks, with two embedded four-week sessions. The Theological School has a three-week January term, a twelve-week regular semester, and a range of hybrid and online course formats. 

Drew adheres to the Federal standard of a total of 45 learning hours for every 1-credit earned in a semester, regardless of the time frame or format of instruction.  A credit hour is the equivalent of one hour of classroom instruction (50 minutes) with an average of two hours of out of class work for each hour in class. For example, a 3-credit hour course requires a total of 135 hours of combined in and out of class work, while a 4-credit hour course requires a total of 180 hours. 

All course formats and schedules are monitored by the curriculum committees or academic dean’s office of each school to comply with the university’s credit hour policy. The credit hour calculation worksheet is completed for every Drew credit-bearing course or experience and are kept on-file in the appropriate Dean’s office. Existing courses are reviewed periodically by the curriculum committees or academic dean’s offices of each school to ensure that the workload is consistent with the credits to be earned. For accelerated and non-traditional course formats, faculty use the credit hour calculation worksheet to document how these courses meet the minimum semester credit hour requirement.  Credit hour calculation worksheets are also reviewed as data for departmental external reviews.

Policy on Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Graduate Courses

Upper-level undergraduate students may, with instructor permission, enroll in graduate-level courses.  The assignment of credit hours in these cases follows all aspects of Drew’s credit hour assignment policy.  In these cases, the increased level of difficulty of graduate work generally requires undergraduates to spend more time completing assignments and reading advanced texts.  As a result, undergraduates in these courses generally earn one more credit than graduate students therein.  

Policy on Graduate Students Enrolled in Undergraduate Courses

In limited cases, graduate students may take courses in the College of Liberal Arts and apply the credits toward graduate degree completion. The assignment of credit hours in these cases follows all aspects of Drew’s credit hour assignment policy. In recognition of the difference in level of undergraduate and graduate coursework and the amount of time that it should take a graduate student to complete work in an undergraduate course, graduate students earn only three credits for completing a four-credit undergraduate course. In addition, faculty teaching undergraduate courses in which graduate students enroll may replace some assignments to ensure appropriate rigor or enhance the graduate student’s professional and disciplinary goals. Such curriculum adjustments include alternative readings, research work, and performance or portfolio work. These curricular adjustments should not exceed the total hours appropriate to a three-credit graduate course.


Drew students may cross-register for courses at Union Theological School (interdenominational), New York Theological Seminary and General Theological Seminary through Drew University’s Office of the Registrar. These courses are billed at Drew’s tuition rate and student scholarships apply. To cross-register, fill out the paperwork on the Registrar’s web page:

In order to be eligible for cross-registration, a student must have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average or higher.

Degree program required courses may not be completed through cross-registration. Generally, a student may not take more than one course per semester through cross-registration. In exceptional circumstances, a student may petition the Graduate Academic Standing Committee to take two courses in a semester through cross-registration.

The total number of credits for which a student may register through cross registration is limited by degree program as follows:

MAR: 6 credits

MATM: 6 credits

MDiv: 12 credits

STM: 3 credits

DMin: 3 credits

PhD: 12 credits*

A student may petition the Graduate Academic Standing Committee to take an additional 3 credits through cross-registration beyond these limits.

Non-degree and certificate program students not otherwise enrolled in a degree program may not cross register the Union Theological School, New York Theological Seminary, or General Theological Seminary.

*PhD students may take no more than 12 credit hours in their degree program through cross-registration and tutorials combined.

Degrees and Programs Offered Outside New Jersey

North Carolina statement regarding licensure:

Degree program(s) of study offered by the Theological School of Drew University have been declared exempt from the requirements for licensure under provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 116-15(d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education.  Exemption from licensure is not based upon any assessment of program quality under established licensing standards.

If students are unable to resolve a complaint through the institution’s grievance procedures, they may review the Student Complaint Policy, complete the Student Complaint Form (PDF) located on the State Authorization webpage at, and submit the complaint to or to the following mailing address:

North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints
c/o Student Complaints
University of North Carolina System Office
910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688

Extensions on Coursework (Incomplete Grades)

If a student finds it impossible to complete all course requirements on time, he or she should discuss the situation with the instructor and file a petition with the Graduate Academic Standing Committee for an incomplete. This petition must be submitted on or before the last day of the classes. If the extension is granted, a grade of “I” (incomplete) will be entered for the course, noting the date by which the work must be completed. The work should then be submitted within six weeks after the close of the semester to the instructor.  Final grades are due within four weeks after the submitted work deadline. Students may petition to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee to extend an incomplete beyond the first incomplete expiration date to the expiration date in the subsequent semester. If approved an EI is entered. EIs cannot be extended. If a final grade for an Incomplete has not been submitted by the agreed-upon deadline, a grade of “F” will be recorded by the Registrar.


PhD students are limited to one incomplete per semester, except by approval of the Graduate Academic Standing Committee.

Grade Appeals

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide a mechanism, within the framework of existing University policies and regulations, for the review and consideration of course grade disputes in all Theological School degree programs.

Responsibility and Guidelines for Course Grades

The assignment of final grades for a course is the responsibility of the instructor in charge of the course. The syllabus of a course provides the guidelines for the assignment of grades in a course. In addition, the Theological School academic policies regarding grades, academic accommodations, academic integrity, attendance, incompletes, and pass/fail grading are applicable to all courses.

Criteria for Appeal

Students have the right to appeal final course grades. The Theological School grade appeal policy is intended to present a process that is fair to both students and faculty.

In order for a grade appeal to be reviewed, a student must demonstrate at least one of the following:

a. A demonstrable error was made in the calculation of the grade,

b. The assignment of a final course grade was apparently made on a basis other than the policies described on the course syllabus,

c. The instructor did not assign or remove an Incomplete or initiate a grade change as agreed upon with the student in writing,

d. Substantial extenuating personal circumstances (e.g., serious medical or family emergencies) call the appropriateness of the final grade into question. In these cases, the student must first contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs who will receive formal documentation and affirm the validity of such issues before the student can proceed to appeal.

This policy is not applicable to allegations of violations of academic integrity. Matters involving human rights violations or claims of sexual harassment should be handled under the University Human Rights policy. 

Grade Appeal Process

Grade appeals proceed as follows:

1) the student shall first seek to resolve the matter in conversation with the instructor of the course. Students may contact their instructor in person or by email. Written records of all communications should be maintained.

2) if there is no resolution with the instructor, the student can choose to file a formal written appeal with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The appeal must state succinctly, accurately, and completely the cause for the appeal. The student should include a syllabus, relevant course materials, and any correspondence (to and from the instructor) that supports the appeal. The associate dean will inform the faculty member of the appeal and may attempt to resolve the matter at that time. The associate dean reviews the materials and determines whether the appeal meets the criteria outlined under Criteria for Appeal. The associate dean will notify both the student and the instructor of the outcome as soon as possible but within a reasonable period of the submission of the complaint, explaining his/her decision to both instructor and student in person and/or in writing. Written records of all communications should be kept.

There are two possible outcomes:

(a) The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs rejects the appeal as not meeting the Criteria for Appeal.

(b) The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs deems that the appeal is warranted and refers the grade appeal to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee for review and decision.

If the appeal is denied, the student can present his or her written appeal to the Dean of the Theological School for a final decision on whether the appeal will proceed.

3) appeals that meet the criteria will be forwarded to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee for review and decision. The student’s written appeal shall be forwarded to the instructor, who shall submit a statement explaining the reasons the grade was given and why a change is or is not appropriate. The instructor’s statement shall be furnished to the student prior to the hearing. The Committee may require of both the instructor and the student copies of all documents that it judges to be relevant to its deliberations.

The Committee shall invite both the student and the instructor to attend the hearing.  The student and the instructor may be counseled, advised, and represented before the Committee by any Drew faculty member, administrator, or student who is not a member of the Committee and who agrees to serve. Using such representation is optional. With the approval of the Committee, either party may invite Drew faculty members, administrators, and/or students other than the principals to make either written or personal statements to the Committee, provided their relevance to the issue can be demonstrated in advance.

After the hearing, the Committee, in executive session, shall determine its conclusions. The Committee’s decision shall be put in writing and copies forwarded to the student, the professor, and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

If the Committee decides that a grade change should be made, it may request the Registrar to do so. Alternatively, the Committee may recommend that the instructor reevaluate the grade in light of considerations that the Committee sets forth. If the instructor objects to the Committee’s parameters, she or he can request that the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs appoint a faculty member of the associate dean’s choosing to review the student’s work and provide the revised grade to the Committee.

Grade appeal decisions of the Degree Program Committee are final and not eligible for further appeal. All involved parties should keep the proceedings confidential at all times.

Timeline for Appeals

An appeal of a fall semester grade can be initiated no later than January 31st following the semester in which the grade was awarded. An appeal of a spring semester grade can be initiated no later than June 30th following the semester in which the grade was awarded. An appeal of a summer term grade can be initiated no later than August 31st following the semester in which the grade was awarded. Graduating seniors must initiate a grade appeal within three weeks of graduation. Extraordinary exceptions to these time limits may be determined by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the Theological School.

All complainants have the right to a maximum of one appeal related to a particular course grade.

Grade Point Average

Only work completed at Drew is included in the computation of the average. Grade points are assigned as follows to each credit hour attempted on a graded basis: A = 4.00, A– = 3.67, B+ = 3.33, B = 3.00, B– = 2.67, C+ = 2.33, C = 2.00, C– = 1.67, D+ = 1.33, D = 1.00, D– = 0.67, F = 0.00.

No other grades are included in the computation of the average.

The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total grade points earned from grades on the A to F scale by the total number of credit hours attempted.

Calculating a GPA

  1. Multiply the number of class credits by the numerical equivalent of the grade (above).
    • e.g. BBCL 505, 3 credits A-, multiple 3 X 3.67 = 11.01
  2. Sum the number of credits taken at Drew (exclude transfer credit, Pass/Fail, W grades, and repeats).
  3. Sum the results of step 1 (numerical grade equivalent).
  4. Divide the total numerical equivalent of the letter grades by the total hours taken at Drew.
  5. The result is the GPA.


The grades awarded in the Theological School are:

A, A-   excellent
B+, B, B- good
C+, C, C- satisfactory
D+, D, D- marginal
F fail
AU audit
EI extended incomplete
I incomplete
NR not complete
P pass, quality of work equivalent of D- or higher
R recorded/term complete
U unsatisfactory
W withdrew
IP course in progress
NR grade not submitted by instructor

Students must earn a C- or better in MDiv required courses to complete the requirement.

Grades Awarded to Courageous Leadership DMin Students (2019 and later)*

NQ      Does Not Qualify
Q Qualifies                      
QD            Qualifies with Distinction                                                

*The Drew Courageous Leadership in a Changing Culture DMin program evaluates students with a rubric and narrative feedback.

Grades and Information Release

Grades are made available to students via Treehouse Self-Service. Students may also give access to grades via Treehouse Self-Service to a designated proxy.

To set up proxy access to view your grades in Treehouse Self-Service:

  • Navigate to the Treehouse Students Tab.
  • Select Parent/Guardian Proxy Access within the Help & Services box.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to add new proxies and set up authorization to the desired information.

In addition to setting up online access to grades, students may also set up proxy access for registration, billing, and financial aid information. Moreover, students have the option to assign a “passphrase” that can be used to verbally confirm the proxy’s identity and to authorize access to your information when they are speaking with University offices on your behalf. A printable guide to proxy access is also available.

Leave of Absence or Voluntary Withdrawal

A leave of absence is occasionally advisable for any number of reasons—family emergency, financial distress, illness, etc. A student may leave for one or two semesters and return, or choose a different course of action. Students considering a leave or withdrawal from the university should discuss the matter with their academic adviser or the Associate Dean for the Theological School. 

A student must complete an online leave-of-absence form, which is available through the Registrar’s Office website, to avoid being billed for the following term. The form will be sent to the Associate Dean for the Theological School for an approval. Students on a voluntary leave of absence who wish to return to Drew must fill out a re-entry form also available on the Registrar’s office page.

Upon approval, a student may take a leave of absence for up to two terms. In special cases, a third and fourth semester of leave may be approved by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee. As the student pays no tuition or fees during a leave of absence, he/she is not entitled to use any of the resources of the University: faculty, library, housing, or grants-in-aid. Time spent in leave of absence will not be counted as part of the time limitation for the masters or doctoral degrees. Students should be aware that repayment for any student loans may begin in a leave of absence, by federal regulation.

Students leaving later than the end of the ninth week of classes, and before the end of a given semester, will be subject to grades of “F” at the time of withdrawal, unless a recommendation for withdrawal (“W”) is made by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee.

Non-Discriminatory and Inclusive Language Policy

The Drew University Theological School affirms the full equality of all persons in God’s all-inclusive love, regardless of gender, race, nation, class, age, ability, religion, or sexual orientation (Galatians 3:28). This theological conviction finds social expression in spoken and written language. In order to live out a crucial practical dimension of our equality in Christ and to avoid marginalizing members of our community, the Theological School expects students to use non-discriminatory and mindfully inclusive language for humanity both in the classroom (that is, in writing assignments, presentations, and classroom discussions) and in the chapel liturgy (that is, in prayers and sermons). Students are also encouraged to use a variety of metaphors when referring to God. While students will not receive grade deductions on specific assignments, they will be evaluated on their overall efforts to engage the theological and social problems of discriminatory and exclusive language. This policy thus encourages students to work to integrate a theology of God’s love and justice with the everyday practice of leadership.


Theological students may elect to take elective courses on a Pass/Fail (P/F) basis. Required courses may not be taken on a P/F basis unless the course has been designated as only carrying the P/F grade. Courses graded P carry full credit toward graduation but are not included in the computation of the cumulative GPA. Courses graded F do not carry credit toward graduation and are included in the computation of the cumulative GPA. Students indicate their desire to take a course P/F only prior to or during the first two weeks of the semester. The pass/unsatisfactory option is not available for S.T.M., D.Min., or Ph.D. courses. Note: D.Min. courses for students in the Courageous Leadership in a Changing Culture cohorts entering in or after 2019 are graded on a NQ/Q/QD basis.

Policy for Active Students Enrolled in a Degree Program Who Are Not Registered

Prior to Each Registration Period Ending, all students will be reminded of this policy by the Registrar.

First Semester of Inactivity:

A student who is not registered by the end of the Add/Drop Period in a spring or fall semester and who does not have either a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal Status recorded for them, will have their student status revised to Inactive Status.

Second Non-Consecutive Semester of Inactivity:

A student with previous Inactive Status during a degree program who is not registered by the end of the Add/Drop Period in a spring or fall semester and who does not have either a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal Status recorded for them, will have their student status revised to Inactive Status. After review by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee, the student may have their student status revised to Withdrawn Status.

Second Consecutive Semester of Inactivity:

A student who is not registered for two (2) consecutive Semesters (which excludes Summer and January Term sessions) by the end of the Add/Drop Period of the second consecutive Semester and who does not have either a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal Status recorded for them, will have their student status revised to Withdrawn Status.

Student, Financial Aid & Student Accounts Notification:

Students who have had their student status revised to Withdrawn Status in accordance with this policy, will be notified via their Drew email address and the permanent mailing address of record.  Additionally, both Financial Aid and Student Accounts will be notified for proper processing.

Policy Enforcement:

Registration in either the January or Summer Terms, does not stop this policy from being enforced during the fall and spring terms.

Policy for Re-Entry to Degree Programs

If fewer than three years have elapsed since the last day of classes of the most recent spring or fall semester in which a student was actively registered, a student may petition the Graduate Academic Standing Committee for re-entry to their degree program. Re-entry to a graduate degree program at Drew University is subject to approval by the Graduate Academic Standing Committee. Students on a Leave of Absence or otherwise withdrawn from the university must submit documentation in support of their re-entry according to the guidelines indicated on the petition to the Graduate Academic Standing Committee form. If there are any questions concerning the student’s status, the Graduate Academic Standing Committee will request that the student submit an academic plan, discussing previous academic work, future plans, and the basis for successfully completing the program.

With regard to financial aid, students are advised to consult with the Office of Financial Assistance regarding deadlines and eligibility.

If more than three years have elapsed since the last day of classes of the most recent spring or fall semester in which a student was actively registered, a student must apply for admission to a current Drew University degree program through the admissions office and, in the event of admission, may be considered for advanced standing in that degree program based upon coursework previously completed at Drew. However, neither admission to a degree program nor advanced standing is guaranteed. The student’s application to a current degree program will be evaluated in accordance with standards for current degree program applicants.

Policy Enforcement:

Registration in either the January or Summer Terms, does not stop this policy from being enforced during the fall and spring terms.

Registration and Changes in Registration

Students register for courses at times announced by the Office of the Registrar. Students may add courses during the first week of classes and in the second week with the consent and permission of the instructor. No course may be added after the end of the second week of classes. Courses dropped between the end of the second week and the end of the ninth week of classes are graded “W”. Courses dropped after the ninth week are graded “F”. Students may petition the Graduate Academic Standing Committee for changes in registration that do not meet these regulations but must document extraordinary circumstances. Information about registration can be found on the Registrar’s website.

Requirement Waivers

Petitions for waivers of M.Div. required courses are decided on a case-by-case basis by the Area in which the course resides.  In making such a petition, the student must provide a copy of her or his transcript and a copy of the syllabus for the course or courses being considered for substitution.  The following are general guidelines for assessing such petitions:
•    The course or courses to be substituted must have been taken at an accredited institution.
•    The grade received for the coursework by the petitioning student must be at least a C.
•    The course or courses must have at least the same credit value as the course being considered for exemption.  
•    The course or courses to be substituted should be comparable to the course being considered for exemption in terms of content, expectation, level of academic engagement, and student outcomes.
•    Other factors may also legitimately inform such a decision, particularly when courses have been taken outside of the United States.  
Waivers with accompanying materials can be submitted electronically on the Registrar’s web page:

Reservation of Rights

The University reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in the University’s academic program, courses, schedule, or calendar whenever in its sole judgment it is deemed desirable to do so.  The foregoing changes may include, without limitation, the elimination of colleges, schools, institutes, programs, departments, or courses, the modification of the content of any of the foregoing, the rescheduling of classes, with or without extending the enhanced academic term, the cancellation schedule classes, or other academic activities. If such changes are deemed desirable, the University may require or afford alternatives for scheduled classes or other academic notification of any such change as is reasonably practical under the circumstances.

Retaking a Course

A student may retake a course in which he or she has earned a grade of F, D-, D, D+, or C-.  For courses retaken after a first grade of F, both the original F and the grade earned when the course is retaken are calculated in the GPA. Credits are awarded only for the second course enrollment, assuming the student earns a passing grade. For courses retaken after a first grade of D-, D or D+, both the original and the subsequent grade are calculated in the GPA, but credits for the course are only awarded once.

Separation from the Theological School

Drew Theological School reserves the right, upon recommendation of the deans, to separate from the school any student who fails to meet the standards of academic or community life; or whose character or personal maturity raises reasonable doubts about the student’s fitness for ministry or theological education. Students may also be separated from the school for failure to meet their financial obligations. There will be no refund of tuition and fees for a student who is asked to withdraw.

Students leaving later than the end of the ninth week of classes, and before the end of a given semester, will be subject to grades of “F” at the time of withdrawal, unless a recommendation for withdrawal (“W”) is made by the one of the associate deans of the Theological School.

Student Education Records

Drew University students have the right to access, and the assurance of privacy for their Drew educational records. These rights are in keeping with Public Law 93-380, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (also known as the Buckley Amendment), and University policy. The full text of Public Law 93-380 and a full statement of Drew University policy and procedures with respect to student education records are on file and may be consulted in the Offices of the Registrar and the Dean of Campus Life and Student Affairs and in the Office of Financial Assistance. See the Drew University official FERPA policy on the Registrar’s page.

It is University policy and Registrar’s Office procedure that the adjustment of academic records cannot be made one the official Academic Record has been sealed. The sealing of a record occurs when a student has completed their academic relationship with the University. This can happen via completion of a degree program or withdrawal from a degree program. The adjustment of a record cannot be made once the inactivation of a record has been complete; graduation or full withdrawal. As such, an appeal cannot be made to this regard. All information on a sealed academic record is final.

Transcripts of Record

The transcript is an official record of courses taken, grades received, academic honors, and degrees conferred to a student. Official transcripts may be obtained through the Registrar’s Office.

Once a student graduates, the transcript is considered “sealed” for that particular degree and changes cannot be made.


Although not available on a regular basis, on occasion a student may arrange to undertake tutorial study for academic credit with an instructor.  Such tutorial arrangements must be proposed by petition and receive approval from the Graduate Academic Standing Committee.  The Committee will take into account the nature of the proposed project, the student’s interest and need, and the availability and approval of the faculty member involved in reaching its decision.  Tutorials are not routinely permitted during the summer.  Not more than one tutorial for a given student may be approved in any one semester.  

PhD students may take no more than two tutorials during course work.

PhD students may complete no more than 12 credit hours in their degree program through tutorials and cross registration combined.