Feb 16, 2025
2021-2022 College of Liberal Arts
Religion Major
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Requirements for the Major (38-44 credits)
Click on the hyperlinked course subject/number to view course details including prerequisites and course attributes. Students should speak with the instructor if they do not meet any prerequisites for the course and wish to register. I. Required Courses (14-16 credits)
II. Experiential Learning (0-4 credits)
III. Electives (24 credits)
Students must distribute their electives among the four areas below, choosing at least one course from each area. Only one elective course may be at the introductory-level, and at least three of the courses chosen must be at the upper-level. Histories
In these courses, students analyze religion and historical change toward understanding how our world came to be the way it is today. - CLAS 302 - Greek and Roman Religions
- REL 220 - The Jewish Experience: An Introduction to Judaism
- REL 250 - Introduction to Islam
- HIST 254 - Selected Topics in the History of Religions
- HIST 256 - History of the Islamic Middle East, 600-1800
- HIST 257 - History of the Modern Middle East
- HIST 265 - lntroduction to South Asia in Modern History
- HIST 266 - lntroduction to East Asia in Modern History
- PHIL 210 - History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- HUM 215 - Forms of Humanism: Renaissance to Enlightenment
- TPHL 625 - World Christianity (Theological School)
Media, Art, and Music
In these courses, students analyze the presence and influence of religion in various modes of artistic expression and media. - CLAS 215 - Classical Mythology
- ANTH 231 - Native Arts and Archaeology of Latin America
- ARTH 208 - Islamic Art
- ARTH 302 - Medieval Art
- ARTH 303 - Italian Renaissance Art
- ARTH 304 - Baroque and Rococo Art
- REL 281 - Spirituality, Gender and the Media
- TMUS 530 - History of African-American Church Music (Theological School)
- INTF 563 - Music of the World’s Religions (Theological School)
- BBST 664 - Bible and Film (Theological School)
Identity, Culture, and Power
In these courses, students examine diverse ways religion informs identity and ways in which it interrelates with other modes of identity in the negotiations of values, practices, and power. - ANTH 302 - Anthropology of Religion
- ANTH 205 - Native North American Cultures
- ANTH 204 - Society and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
- PSCI 257 - Muslims and the West
- REL 206 - Sociology of Religion
- REL 362 - Women in Asian Traditions
- WGST 372 - Global Women’s History
- PHIL 304 - Ethics and Society
- WGST 201 - Transnational Feminisms
- RLSC 600 - Religion and Society (Theological School)
- RLSC 560 - Religions and Food: Feast, Fast, Farming and Famine (Theological School)
- CSOC 619 - The Search for the Good Community (Theological School)
- RLSC 644 - Faith Communities and Gender Violence (Theological School)
- CRES 521 - Religious Pluralism in America (Theological School)
Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics
In these courses, students analyze theological and philosophical thought and the intellectual foundations of ethical order and religious practices. - CLAS 312 - Classical Morality & Religious Ethics From Plato to Machiavelli
- HIST 325 - Utopia and Dystopia
- HIST 366 - Mindfulness: History and Practice
- PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 104 - Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL 328 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 317 - The Shattering of Reason: From Hegel to Nietzsche
- PHIL 214 - Business Ethics
- PHIL 305 - Bio-Medical Ethics
- THEO 560- Systematic Theology (Theological School)
- TPHL 655 - Confucian and Taoist Religious Thought (Theological School)
- BBCL 505 - Biblical Literature I: Torah, Prophets, Writings (Theological School)
- BBCL 506 - Biblical Literature II: Gospels, Epistles, Apocalypse (Theological School)
- CRES 520 - World Wisdom for Conflict Resolution (Theological School)
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