About the Program
The Arts and Letters program’s interdisciplinary structure recognizes that in the contemporary world, a thorough grounding in the humanities offers the necessary intellectual and personal development for individuals to stay informed.
We stress a broad liberal arts education at the graduate level and takes as a guiding principle Henry Adams’ belief that a valid education prepares a citizen to meet any emergency with economy and force.
This program acknowledges the timely issues-and timeless speculations- emerging throughout the world.
Master of Letters
Students enrolled in the Master of Letters (M.Litt.) degree program have two options:
completion of nine courses (27 credit hours) and a master’s thesis of 50-75 pages.
in lieu of writing the thesis, students may elect to take two additional courses for a total of eleven (33 credit hours).
In either case, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or better in order to graduate.
Doctor of Letters
Students enrolled in the Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) degree program must complete nine courses (27 credit hours) plus a required writing seminar, the Joy of Scholarly Writing, for a total of 30 credit hours plus two seminars: The Joy of Scholarly Writing: Beginning the Dissertation Process, and Liberal Studies: What They Aare, What They Do, for a total of 36 credit hours with a cumulative average of 3.1 (on a 4.0 scale) or better. All D.Litt. students must prepare and successfully defend a nine-credit (for a total degree requirement of 39 hours) doctoral dissertation of 150-220 pages.
There are two required courses for the Doctor of Ltters program:
ARLET 801 Liberal Studeies: What They Are, What They Do
ARLET 905 The Joy of Scholarly Writing: Beginning the Dissertation Process
Doctor of Letters Concentrations:
D.Litt candidates also do a concentration of 4 ciyrses, which should be selected to achieve congruence and cennectedness. D. Litt. students must declare a concentration prior to registering for their 6th course. Some A&L courses may serve different concentrations, depending on content and subject to consultation with one’s adviser. The revised available concentrations are:
Historical Studies
Literary Studies
Global Studies
Studies in Spirituality
Writing (required for proposing a creative writing dissertation)
Fine Arts and Media Studies
Irish/Irish American Studies
Teaching in the Two Year College: this concentration has a required foundation course, ARLET 701, Introduction to the Two-Year College, offered fall semester only; a minimal grade of B is required in this course in order to continue in the concentration. The second and third courses are chosen from A&L couses in one’s potential discipline of teaching. The fourth course is a supervised internship for a semester in a class at the County College of Morris (daytime classes only). Potential interns must be approved by both Drew and CCM.
Concentration in Writing
M.Litt. and D.Litt. students may choose from a wide variety of writing-focused courses as part of their studies in the Arts and Letters program. In keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the program, students can explore writing through several different genres: essay, poetry, short story, prose, academic writing, and more.
Irish/Irish-American Studies Concentration
Study in this interdisciplinary concentration focuses on the literature, history, politics, and culture of Ireland and Irish America. Courses offered include such topics as Contemporary Ireland: 1922-Present, Irish and Irish-American Literature for Children and Young Adults, The Great Hunger: The Great Irish Famine, Constructions of Irish-American Identity, Celtic Archeology, Northern Ireland, Commemoration and Memory in Irish History, Irish History Through Film; Researching Irish History: Archives and Archival Research; Modernism and Irish Literary Revival, James Joyce, Irish History to the Normans, Normans to the Irish Civil War (1922), and The Irish in America. Five courses are required for the concentration.
The Certificate in Conflict Resolution and Leadership (C.R.L.) is designed to address a growing need for professionals with skills in mediation and conflict transformation. Our mission is to educate a next generation of professionals committed to reducing conflict and forging more peaceful communities at home and abroad as the ultimate path to security. Building on Drew’s historic strengths as a recognized leader in the Humanities, and paired with experienced adjunct faculty with practical skills and experience in law enforcement and conflict resolution, this certificate provides a unique credential for individuals seeking to advance within their current fields or to prepare for second careers. This interdisciplinary program, which combines the value of humanities based study with real life experience, has special appeal for law enforcement, security, military, and community leaders.
The Conflict Resolution & Leadership Certificate is housed in our graduate level liberal studies program, Arts & Letters. All C.R.L. courses are listed in the course catalog under Arts & Letters.
Students enrolled in the Certificate in Conflict Resolution and Leadership are required to take a total of 5 courses (15 credits) including a supervised internship and 3 required core courses:
- Introduction to C.R.L. Methods and Practicum
- Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
- Cross Cultural Approaches to Understanding Conflict
A range of elective courses and internship opportunities allow students to gain expertise and experience in a particular area of their choice.