Mar 14, 2025
HUM 203 - Current Issues in the Humanities2-4 credits A multidisciplinary introduction to ideas, forms, values, and forces that affect our lives in such fields as anthropology, art, classics, history, literature, music, philosophy, religion and allied areas of study. Each half-semester offering of the course presents a topic in contemporary cultures as represented in materials from a variety of disciplines. Topics have included “What Is/Was Postmodernism?”, “Politics and the Humanities”, “Globalism and the Humanities”, “Crossing-Disciplines: Science and the Humanities”, “The Body: Materiality and Metaphor”, “Environmental Humanities”, “Freedom”, and “The Family”. Course may be repeated. Offered spring semester. CLA-Breadth/Humanities, CLA-Breadth/Interdisciplinary, CLA-Writing Intensive
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