Sep 27, 2024  
2014-2015 College of Liberal Arts Catalog (Admitted Fall 2014/Spring 2015) 
2014-2015 College of Liberal Arts Catalog (Admitted Fall 2014/Spring 2015) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • LING 410 - Specialized Honors I

    0-8 credits
    CLA-Capstone, CLA-Writing Intensive
  • MATH 001 - Preparation for Calculus

    4 credits

    The mathematical prerequisites for the study of calculus: functions and their graphs, polynomials, trigonometry, logarithms and exponential functions, and analytic geometry. Only students intending to register for calculus but needing to improve their math background may take this course.

      Meets: Weekly for 150 minutes of lecture. Prerequisite: Departmental approval based on placement score.

  • MATH 101 - The Principles and Practices of Statistics

    4 credits
    The use and misuse of data and statistical methods has become increasingly common in all aspects of modern life. This course emphasizes evaluating and interpreting statistics as encountered in the media and popular press with the goal of creating educated, informed consumers of statistical information. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to analyze graphical presentations of data; understand the role of probability in quantifying uncertainty and in making assertions; and evaluate the design and execution of data collection techniques. They will be alert to common mistakes found in statistical work such as assuming that correlation implies causation or that statistical significance implies practical importance. Students cannot receive credit for MATH 101 if they have already taken MATH 117 . Prerequisite: College Writing. CLA-Quantitative, CLA-Writing Intensive
  • MATH 111 - Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning

    4 credits
    This is a quantitative literacy course designed to improve the level of quantitative awareness of students using practical situations to motivate the study of mathematics. The goals of this course are to foster an appreciation of mathematics and to develop thinking and reasoning skills. In particular, students will locate, critically read, and evaluate information to solve problems, they will critically evaluate quantitatively based arguments, and they will represent and solve real-world problems using appropriate mathematical models. Offered Annually. CLA-Quantitative
  • MATH 115 - Introduction to Calculus

    4 credits
    A survey of calculus topics: limits, differentiation, integration, extreme values, curve tracing, partial derivatives, law of growth, with an emphasis on applications. Designed for students in the biological and social sciences. Meets: 150 minutes weekly, with an additional weekly 50-minute recitation. Prerequisite: Two years of high school algebra. Offered spring semester. CLA-Quantitative
  • MATH 116 - Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics

    4 credits
    A computationally-focused introduction to statistics and mathematics for careers in business and economics. Analysis and presentation of univariate, bivariate, and time-series data; measures of central tendency, dispersion, trends, and correlation. Estimating population parameters, relationships, and trends from sample data through hypothesis testing, regression, and other techniques. Basic probability distributions for simulation; tests of sensitivity and robustness. Future and present value calculations, expected value. Computers are needed for in-class work and tests. Students are required to have a working notebook computer with a licensed, recent version of Microsoft Excel.
    Students may not receive credit for both MATH 116 and MATH 117.
    Meets: 150 minutes weekly, with an additional weekly 50-minute recitation. Enrollment Priority:  Economics and Business Studies Majors/Minors. CLA-Quantitative
  • MATH 116R - Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics Recitation

    0 credits
    Required Recitation for MATH 116.
  • MATH 117 - Introductory Statistics

    4 credits
    This course is designed to enable you to use statistics for data analysis and to understand the use of statistics in the media. The course makes use of SPSS, a widely-used statistics package for the computer. Course topics include graphical and tabular presentation of data, measures of central tendency, dispersion, and shape, linear transformations of data, correlation, regression, basic probability and the normal probability model, sampling, t-tests, and one-way analysis of variance. Meets: 150 minutes weekly, with an additional weekly 50-minute recitation. Same as: MAT+861. Offered every semester. CLA-Quantitative
  • MATH 117R - Introductory Statistics Recitation

    0 credits
    Required Recitation for MATH 117.
  • MATH 150 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I

    4 credits
    Functions, limits, continuity, and differentiation and its applications; introduction to integration including definite and indefinite integrals and the fundamental theorem of calculus; analysis of graphical and numerical information. Meets: weekly for three 65-minute periods, with an additional weekly 50-minute recitation. No student may receive credit for both AP calculus AB or BC and MATH 150. Prerequisite: Three years of high school mathematics including trigonometry. Offered fall semester and occasional summers. CLA-Quantitative
  • MATH 150R - Calculus and Analytical Geometry I Recitation

    0 credits
    Required Recitation for MATH 150.
  • MATH 151 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II

    4 credits
    Integration, including techniques of integration, improper integrals, and applications; polar coordinates, parametric equations, Taylor polynomials, sequences and series. Meets: weekly for three 65-minute periods. No student may receive 8 credits for AP calculus BC and MATH 151. Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH 150 . Offered spring semester and occasional summers. CLA-Quantitative
  • MATH 213 - Introduction to Logic

    4 credits
    A study of the principles and methods of correct reasoning. Emphasizes the analysis of arguments, informal fallacies, and elementary deductive logic. This course cannot be used as an intermediate level elective for the mathematics major or minor. Meets: Weekly for three 65-minute periods. Same as: PHIL 213 . Offered fall semester. CLA-Breadth/Humanities, CLA-Breadth/Interdisciplinary, CLA-Quantitative
  • MATH 227 - Intermediate Statistics

    4 credits
    This is the second semester of a two-semester sequence designed to prepare students to use statistics for data analysis. The course makes use of SPSS and builds on the foundation gained in MATH 117 . It covers additional methods of statistical inference with a focus on analysis of variance and multiple regression. Understanding the design and analysis of published statistical studies that use these methods is an integral part of the course. Meets: weekly for 165 minutes. Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH 117  or permission of instructor. Offered fall semester. CLA-Quantitative, CLA-Writing Intensive
  • MATH 250 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry III

    4 credits
    Extending the concepts of calculus from two to three or more dimensions: partial differentiation, multiple integration; analytic geometry in three dimensions, vectors, line and surface integrals, applications. Meets: weekly for three 65-minute periods. Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH 151 . Offered fall semester. CLA-Quantitative
  • MATH 300 - Independent Study in Mathematics

    1-4 credits
    An independent investigation of a topic selected in conference with the instructor and approved by the department. Admission by petition to or by invitation of the department. May be repeated for credit with the approval of the department. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester.
  • MATH 303 - Linear Algebra

    4 credits
    Matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, linear transformations, vector spaces, eigenvalues, applications, and additional topics chosen from numerical methods for solving linear equations, canonical forms, quadratic forms. Meets: weekly for three 65-minute periods. Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH 250  or MATH 310 . Offered spring semester.
  • MATH 310 - Foundations of Higher Mathematics

    4 credits
    This course serves as a transition from calculus to the more abstract reasoning needed in advanced math courses. The emphasis of the course is on understanding and applying definitions and theorems, recognizing and constructing valid arguments, and communicating mathematical ideas both orally and in writing. Topics include basic logic and set theory, cardinality and counting, and elementary topics from analysis and algebra. Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH 151 . Offered fall semester. CLA-Writing in the Major
  • MATH 315 - Differential Equations

    4 credits
    Ordinary differential equations: basic existence and uniqueness theory, analytic and qualitative solution techniques for different classes of equations, using technology to visualize and compute solutions to equations and systems of equations, modeling and applications; additional topics chosen from systems of differential equations, physical and biological models, nonlinear systems, numerical methods for solution, transorm methods, and partial differential equations. Meets: weekly for three 65-minute periods. Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH 250 . Offered spring semester.
  • MATH 320 - Probability

    4 credits
    The fundamentals of probability theory including discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, conditional probability and independence, joint probability distributions, expected values, moment generating functions, laws of large numbers, and limit theorems. Special topics selected from random walks, Markov chains, and applications as time permits. Meets: weekly for three 65-minute periods. Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH 250  and MATH 310 . Same as: MAT+866. Offered fall semester in odd years.
  • MATH 325 - Mathematical Physics

    4 credits
    An introduction to methods used in solving problems in physics and other sciences. Calculus of variations and extremum principles. Orthogonal functions and Sturm-Liouville problems. Fourier series. Series solutions of differential equations. The partial differential equations of physics. Transform and Green’s function methods of solution. Nonlinear equations and chaos theory. Prerequisite: MATH 315  and PHYS 150 . Same as: PHYS 321 . Offered fall semester. CLA- Breadth: Interdisciplinary
  • MATH 330 - Real and Complex Analysis I

    4 credits
    Topics include properties of the real and complex number systems, introduction to point set topology, limits of sequences and functions, continuity, differentiation of real and complex functions, and infinite series and uniform convergence. Meets: weekly for three 65-minute periods. Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH 250  and MATH 310 . Offered spring semester on odd years.
  • MATH 335 - Abstract Algebra

    4 credits
    A survey of modern algebra. Integral domains, fields, groups, rings, ideals, applications. Meets: weekly for three 65-minute periods. Prerequisite: C- or better in   and MATH 310  or concurrent registration in  . Offered spring semester in even years.
  • MATH 340 - Special Topics in Mathematics

    4 credits
    A selection of special topics in mathematics, typically one or two offered each semester. Topics include but are not restricted to: Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Real and Complex Analysis II, Numerical Methods, Topology, Symbolic Logic. Course may be repeated. Prerequisites vary by topic. CLA- Breadth: Interdisciplinary
  • MATH 400 - Senior Seminar in Mathematics

    4 credits
    Topics to be chosen by instructor. Work involves reading research articles, writing one or more papers, and making classroom presentations. May be repeated for credit with the approval of the department. Meets: 150 minutes weekly. Prerequisite: Senior standing and MATH 310 MATH 310  Offered spring semester. CLA-Capstone
  • MATH 410 - Specialized Honors I

    0-8 credits
    Open to students enrolled in specialized honors who wish to earn credit for their work. CLA-Capstone, CLA-Writing Intensive
  • MATH 411 - Specialized Honors II

    4 credits
    Open to students enrolled in specialized honors who wish to earn credit for their work. CLA-Capstone, CLA-Writing Intensive
  • MEST 201 - Introduction to the Modern Middle East

    4 credits
    An introduction to the study of the modern Middle East, this course will survey the contemporary history, politics, economics, and intellectual currents that have shaped the region since World War II. The goal of the course is to build students’ understanding of the shared features that have served to distinguish and unite Middle Eastern societies as well as raise their awareness of the diversity in ethnicity, religion, and political ideology that shape much of the contemporary knowledge about the region. Topics covered will include history, religion, political science, anthropology, sociology, art history, economics, and literature. Guest lectures throughout the semester. The course will end with an inquiry into the discipline itself, with students discussing the different theoretical models used to study the Middle East and their implications. Enrollment priority: Priority given to Middle East Studies minors. Offered spring semester.
  • MEST 201R - Introduction to the Modern Middle East Recitation

    0 credits
    Required Recitation for MEST 201.
  • MEST 203 - Middle East Literatures in Translation

    4 credits
    An examination, through English translation, of one or more literary traditions of the Middle East. The focus of the course varies from one semester to the next. In any given semester, the course may center on Arabic, Israeli, Persian, Turkish, or other literature of the region in translation, or on a comparison of two or more of these traditions. Literary genres and themes covered in this course may also vary. For example, the course may focus primarily on prose, such as novels and short stories, or center on particular themes, such as conflict or construction of identity. May be repeated for credit as topic changes. Offering to be determined.
  • MEST 207 - Selected Topics in Middle East Studies

    2 credits
    A focus on aspects of Middle East studies not covered by regular course offerings. Topics vary from year to year depending upon student interest and faculty expertise. May be repeated for credit as topic changes. Offering to be determined.
  • MEST 208 - Selected Topics in Middle East Studies

    4 credits
    A focus on aspects of Middle East studies not covered by regular course offerings. Topics vary from year to year depending upon student interest and faculty expertise. May be repeated for credit as topic changes. Offering to be determined. CLA-Breadth/Humanities, CLA-Diversity International
  • MEST 301 - Independent Study in Middle East Studies

    2 credits
    A tutorial stressing independent investigation of a topic selected in close consultation with the instructor. Students must meet with their faculty adviser at least once every two weeks and submit regular oral and written reports in a timely manner. Admission to the course is by petition to the director of the program in Middle East studies. May be repeated for credit with the approval of the department. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester.
  • MEST 302 - Independent Study in Middle East Studies

    4 credits
    A tutorial stressing independent investigation of a topic selected in close consultation with the instructor. Students must meet with their faculty adviser at least once every two weeks and submit regular oral and written reports in a timely manner. Admission to the course is by petition to the director of the program in Middle East studies. May be repeated for credit with the approval of the department. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester.
  • MEST 410 - Specialized Honors I

    4 credits
    CLA-Capstone, CLA-Writing Intensive
  • MEST 411 - Specialized Honors II

    4 credits
    CLA-Capstone, CLA-Writing Intensive
  • MHEB 101 - Elementary Modern Hebrew I

    4 credits
    A study of the basic structures and vocabulary of modern, everyday Hebrew through exercises in reading, speaking, and writing. Meets: Three hours class. Offered annually.
  • MHEB 102 - Elementary Modern Hebrew II

    4 credits
    A study of the basic structures and vocabulary of modern, everyday Hebrew through exercises in reading, speaking, and writing. Meets: Three hours class. Offered annually.
  • MHEB 201 - Intermediate Modern Hebrew

    4 credits
    An advanced study in Hebrew conversation, writing, and reading. Meets: Three hours class. For students with at least one full year of Modern Hebrew. Offering to be determined. CLA-Foreign Language
  • MHEB 299 - Modern Hebrew across the Curriculum

    2 credits
    Foreign Languages across the Curriculum is a tutorial program which seeks to enable students with at least intermediate-level proficiency in a foreign language to access authentic materials in that language that are relevant to a cognate course. Students will use their acquired skills to read and interpret texts in the foreign language and/or conduct research in the language. Knowledge gained will be applied to the work of the cognate course. May be taken twice (for a maximum of 4 credits) with two different cognate courses. Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in a cognate course. Signature of language instructor. CLA-Foreign Language
  • MHEB 410 - Specialized Honors I

    0-8 credits
    CLA-Capstone, CLA-Writing Intensive
  • MHEB 411 - Specialized Honors II

    0-8 credits
    CLA-Capstone, CLA-Writing Intensive
  • MUS 101 - Music: Imagination and Technique

    4 credits
    An introduction to the shaping forces of music, with emphasis on developing musical imagination. Includes basics of acoustics; rhythm and pitch notation; scales; keys; triadic structures; functional harmony; form; and compositional processes. A computer is required since it replaces a printed text so that sounds can be heard. Designed for students with little or no prior musical knowledge or more advanced students interested in learning about music from the perspective of the composer. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 102 - Music Fundamentals

    4 credits
    An entry level course in music theory. The course will teach music notation, scales, key signatures and basic harmony. All students will learn basic sight singing skills and perform simple melodic and rhythmic exercises periodically during the semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 103 - Introduction to Western Art Music

    4 credits
    This course is designed to introduce students to Western art music, the fundamentals of its construction, and its cultural contexts from the seventeenth century to the present. Attendance at a live concert performance of Western art music is required. Short papers and presentations will explore connections between music and other disciplines and the experience of Western art music live in concert. This course is intended for non-majors and prospective music majors/minors. and is the prerequisite for upper-level courses in Western music history and culture. Enrollment priority: Given to music majors and minors. Offered spring semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts, CLA-Breadth/Humanities
  • MUS 105 - Improvisation Ensemble

    2 credits
    Rooted in electronic music and improvisation pioneer Pauline Oliveros’ practice of Deep Listening, the Improvisation Ensemble will explore a variety of approaches to creating music spontaneously. No particular style (e.g., Jazz) is given a privileged role. Each session will focus on a different area of improvisation, including sonic meditations, graphic scores, free music, and interdisciplinary collaboration with dance and film.  Students develop the ability to make musical decisions, take risks and develop flexibility for unexpected situations. All sound-making means are acceptable, including vocal, acoustic, electro-acoustic and electronic instruments, together with computer technology, as in recently evolving laptop orchestras. Grade pass/fail May be repeated 2 times for a total of 4 credits Instructor permission required Offered every fall and spring
      CLA - Breadth Arts
  • MUS 109 - Introductory Vocal Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with beginning to intermediate performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the department. Students are expected to perform at least once by the end of the semester in which they are registered for the course in either the department’s monthly Works-in-Progress recitals in the Concert Hall or in an informal studio recital (choice of performing venue will be at the instructor’s discretion). All fees for such studies are borne directly by the student and are in addition to the regular tuition charges and fees of the University. Limited scholarship aid is available at the discretion of the department. Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail. May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 110 - Choral Union

    0-1 credits
    This course will promote the learning of musical skills through choral performance. Open to singers of any musical level, this course will teach students a variety of choral repertoire from different musical styles and genres. There are no auditions necessary for this group. The final evaluation of the course material will occur in the final concert offered every semester. The Choral Union is open to all students, faculty, and staff. Graded Pass/Fail This course may be repeated. At most four credits for instrumental and/or vocal study may be counted toward the degree. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 111 - Introductory Keyboard Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with beginning to intermediate performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the department. Students are expected to perform at least once by the end of the semester in which they are registered for the course in either the department’s monthly Works-in-Progress recitals in the Concert Hall or in an informal studio recital (choice of performing venue will be at the instructor’s discretion). This course is specifically for keyboard lessons. All fees for such studies are borne directly by the student and are in addition to the regular tuition charges and fees of the University. Limited scholarship aid is available at the discretion of the department. Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail. May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 112 - Introductory Guitar Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with beginning to intermediate performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the department. Students are expected to perform at least once by the end of the semester in which they are registered for the course in either the department’s monthly Works-in-Progress recitals in the Concert Hall or in an informal studio recital (choice of performing venue will be at the instructor’s discretion). All fees for such studies are borne directly by the student and are in addition to the regular tuition charges and fees of the University. Limited scholarship aid is available at the discretion of the department. Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 113 - Introductory Strings Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with beginning to intermediate performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the department. Students are expected to perform at least once by the end of the semester in which they are registered for the course in either the department’s monthly Works-in-Progress recitals in the Concert Hall or in an informal studio recital (choice of performing venue will be at the instructor’s discretion). All fees for such studies are borne directly by the student and are in addition to the regular tuition charges and fees of the University. Limited scholarship aid is available at the discretion of the department.  Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail. May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 114 - Introductory Woodwinds Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with beginning to intermediate performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the department. Students are expected to perform at least once by the end of the semester in which they are registered for the course in either the department’s monthly Works-in-Progress recitals in the Concert Hall or in an informal studio recital (choice of performing venue will be at the instructor’s discretion).  All fees for such studies are borne directly by the student and are in addition to the regular tuition charges and fees of the University. Limited scholarship aid is available at the discretion of the department.  Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 115 - Introductory Brass Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with beginning to intermediate performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the department. Students are expected to perform at least once by the end of the semester in which they are registered for the course in either the department’s monthly Works-in-Progress recitals in the Concert Hall or in an informal studio recital (choice of performing venue will be at the instructor’s discretion).  All fees for such studies are borne directly by the student and are in addition to the regular tuition charges and fees of the University. Limited scholarship aid is available at the discretion of the department. Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail. May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 116 - Instrumental Percussion Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with beginning to intermediate performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the department. Students are expected to perform at least once by the end of the semester in which they are registered for the course in either the department’s monthly Works-in-Progress recitals in the Concert Hall or in an informal studio recital (choice of performing venue will be at the instructor’s discretion).  All fees for such studies are borne directly by the student and are in addition to the regular tuition charges and fees of the University. Limited scholarship aid is available at the discretion of the department.  Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail. May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 215 - Chorale

    2 credits
    Instruction in vocal techniques, phonetics, diction, and sight reading in connection with the study and performance of representative choral music from the 12th century to the present. Where possible, students with skills in playing instruments are given the opportunity to participate as soloists, as accompanists, or as members of a chamber ensemble. Open to all students, faculty, and staff by audition. At most eight credits for instrumental and/or vocal study may be counted toward the degree. Course may be repeated. Students seeking credit for Chorale must register in regular fashion each semester in which they seek credit. Co-requisite: MUS 110 . Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 217 - Madrigal Singers

    0-2 credits
    Instruction in vocal techniques, phonetics, diction, and sight reading. Focuses on repertoire for a capella (unaccompanied) vocal chamber ensemble. The Madrigal singers rehearse once per week and perform several times yearly on campus. Graded Pass/Fail. May be repeated for credit. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 220 - Pan-African Choral Performance

    2 credits
    The instructor may require auditions for soloists and touring ensembles. Graded Pass/Fail. May be repeated for up to four credits for PANAF or music major. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 222 - University Chamber Orchestra

    1-4 credits
    Study and performance of representative instrumental music from the Middle Ages to the present. Also performs in conjunction with musical theatre productions. Open on a noncredit basis to all students, faculty, and staff by audition. Graded Pass/Fail. May be repeated up to eight credits for the nonmusic major, four credits for the music major. Students seeking credit for Chamber Orchestra participation must register in regular fashion each semester in which they seek credit. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 223 - Introduction to Conducting

    4 credits
    Designed to provide a basic technical foundation of conducting skills and insights. All students can benefit from the musical insights that conducting study can provide. During the course, students gain a critical kinetic sense of the flow of music in time by creating movements that elicit musical imagery in space and time. The analytical and score reading components of the course are designed to deepen the listening experience of any musician. Prerequisite: MUS 102  and permission of instructor. Offered fall semester in alternate years.
  • MUS 224 - Wind Ensemble

    0-1 credits
    Open to instrumentalists and vocalists in the University Wind Ensemble. Ensembles present at least one performance per semester. Graded Pass/Fail. Course may be repeated. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts
  • MUS 225 - Flute Ensemble

    0-1 credits
    Open to instrumentalists and vocalists in the University Flute Orchestra. Ensembles present at least one performance per semester.
  • MUS 226 - Jazz Ensemble

    0-1 credits
    Open to instrumentalists and vocalists in the Jazz Ensemble. Ensembles present at least one performance per semester.
  • MUS 227 - Music Theory I

    4 credits

    Diatonic Harmony. Students will learn to use quantitative analytical techniques to gain a better understanding of the construction of tonal music created between 1600 and 1900. Beginning with a review of fundamental music theory, scales, intervals and chords, Music Theory I explores the traditional of diatonic harmony with western classical music through part-writing analysis.  

    Prerequisite: MUS 102  or instructor approval. Corequisite: MUS 227L - Music Theory I Lab  Offered fall semester.


  • MUS 227L - Music Theory I Lab

    1 credits
    Required Laboratory for MUS 227.
  • MUS 228 - Music Theory II

    4 credits

    Chromatic Harmony. A continuation of the study of music theory using quantitative techniques to study the more complex tonal harmonic vocabulary associated with 19th and 20th century music. Beginning with tonicization, this course will cover modulation and common chromatic chords. Student will analyze music, complete part-writing assignments, and create short creative works. The final project will be an extended original tonal composition.


    Prerequisite: MUS 227 , or permission of instructor. Corequisite: MUS 228L . Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered spring semester. CLA-Quantitative

  • MUS 228L - Music Theory II Lab

    1 credits
    Corequisite: MUS 228 .
  • MUS 229 - Chamber Music

    0-1 credits
    Open to instrumentalists and vocalists in the Chamber Music Ensemble. Ensembles present at least one performance per semester.
  • MUS 230 - Techniques of the Voice

    4 credits
    A study of the basic elements of fine vocal production. Studies anatomy, physiology, and physics of the human voice. Emphasizes good vowel and co-production. Explores the various registers of the voice. Uses a phonetic approach to teach the basics of Italian, German, English, and French sin diction. 
  • MUS 231 - History of Opera

    4 credits
    A broad chronological survey of the history of opera through analysis of those works considered operatic masterpieces. The course will explore the evolution of opera as a genre through analysis of the music, stories, historical context, singers, libretti, stage designs, and costumes of representative works in recorded performance. Students also present a scene from a specified work and prepare a historical/analytical project. The class has the opportunity to attend a professional opera production during the semester. Prerequisite: MUS 101, MUS 102, MUS 103 or permission of instructor Offered fall semester alternate years CLA - Breadth Arts
  • MUS 233 - Music of the Whole Earth

    4 credits
    A broad survey of world music, including tribal, folk, and art music, specifically music of Africa, Asia, and Indonesia, among others. Emphasizes analysis of the music and its historical and cultural contexts. Requires attendance at and written critique of a live performance of non-Western music or an additional research project designed in conference with the instructor. Offered spring semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts, CLA-Diversity International
  • MUS 234 - History of Jazz

    4 credits
    A course designed to help students become familiar with and appreciate jazz as an important American art form through listening together with discussion of key artists, styles, terminology, culture and traditions. Attendance at a live performance is required. Offered fall semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts, CLA-Diversity US
  • MUS 235 - Music of the World’s Religions

    4 credits
    The interrelationship between ritual and music in several world religions. Religious traditions to be included are Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Santeria. No technical knowledge of music is necessary. Same as: PASTH+669. Offered spring semester in alternate years.
  • MUS 236 - Women and Music

    4 credits
    A study of women composers/performers through the ages emphasizing their changing roles and society’s changing attitudes. The seminar focuses on selected works of Hildegard von Bingen, Clara Schumann, Fanny Hensel, Maria Grandval, Ellen Taafe Zwilich, and Laurie Anderson, among others. Fall Semester. CLA-Breadth/Arts, CLA-Breadth/Humanities, CLA-Diversity International
  • MUS 238 - African American Music History

    4 credits
    A survey course covering the history of major developments in the tradition of African American Music. Starting with a discussion of African Music, this course will trace the major music genres that define African American Music from the 18th century to the present. More than listing titles of pieces and musicians, the course will emphasize the historic and cultural factors that helped define developments of African American music. Students will read various articles covering specific discussions of the historical development and cultural analysis of this musical tradition. CLA-Breadth/Arts, CLA-Breadth/Humanities, CLA-Diversity US
  • MUS 240 - Music in the American Century

    4 credits
    A broad survey of American music from John Adams to Ellen Taaffe Zwilich. We will examine neo-romantic trends in the music of Samuel Barber, Amy Beach and John Corigliano, the transcendentalism of Charles Ives, the American West in Aaron Copland, jazz in the music of Leonard Bernstein and the innovations of minimalist composers Phillip Glass and Steve Reich, and the new directions of the “avant-garde” from John Cage to Pauline Oliveros. Offered in odd-numbered years.
  • MUS 246 - Counterpoint

    4 credits
    An exploration of contrapuntal compositional techniques, including canon, two-and three-part inventions, and the fugue. Original composition exercises will be assigned to demonstrate application of the various techniques. Prerequisite: MUS 102  or permission of the instructor. Offered spring semester in odd-numbered years.
  • MUS 252 - Keyboard Studies

    2 credits
    Class instruction in areas of basic musicianship & piano skills designed primarily for those with limited or no knowledge in piano technique. Included will be basic music theory with emphasis on scales, chords, and beginning to intermediate music. Additional applications will include sight-reading, transposition, harmonization, basic improvisation, ensemble performance, and use of various accompaniment patterns.
  • MUS 260 - Music Composition

    4 credits
    Applied music composition practices in the context of traditional styles of Western music up to and including the first half of the 20th century. Includes development of skills in notation, instrumentation, harmonic structures, and counterpoint. Composing and presenting at least one moderate length work and one multi-movement work is also a goal. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: MUS 101  or MUS 102 .  Offered every semester.
  • MUS 270 - Introduction to Performing Arts Administration

    4 credits
    An introduction to the basic cultural role, issues, structures, operations, and personnel of performing arts (music and theatre) organizations, focusing primarily on the non-profit sector. Contextual subjects will include: an arts institution’s role in and responsibility to its community; government’s role in the arts; issues of control and power within the organization. Specific topics will include: types of organizations and organizational structures; marketing, publicity and public relations; fundraising, donor relations, grant writing; long-range planning. Prerequisite: At least 8 credits in music or theatre. Same as: THEA 205 . CLA-Quantitative
  • MUS 301 - Music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Eras

    4 credits
    An overview of Western art music from ancient Greece to the music of Bach and Handel. We will study a core repertoire of music in its historical contexts and explore debates of what these pieces may have sounded like when they were first performed. Students will also learn about the field of music history and the tools available for music research at Drew. At least one class trip to a performance of music before 1750 will be required. Enrollment priority: Limited to those with junior or senior standing. Prerequisite: MUS 103 . Offered fall semester in alternate years. CLA-Writing Intensive, CLA-Writing in the Major
  • MUS 303 - Music of the Classic and Romantic Eras

    4 credits
    An in-depth study of Western art music from the Enlightenment to Late Romanticism. We will study representative works in historical contexts ranging from the emergence of modern concert life in the mid-1700s to nineteenth-century Romanticism, nationalism, and exoticism. Students will apply the knowledge gained from coursework to the understanding of recent musicological scholarship. At least one class trip to a performance of music studied in class will be required.” . Enrollment priority: Limited to those with junior or senior standing. Prerequisite: MUS 103 . Offered spring semester in alternate years. CLA-Writing Intensive, CLA-Writing in the Major
  • MUS 311 - Music of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

    4 credits
    An exploration of the revolutionary changes in music composition, performance, and reception since 1900. Topics include the challenges of modernism and modernity, political upheaval, technological innovation, globalization, and the rising importance of popular music and jazz. Emphasis on learning effective communication of opinions about challenging musical repertoire through written assignments and oral presentations. At least one class trip to a performance of music studied in class will be required. Enrollment priority: Limited to those with junior or senior standing. Prerequisite: MUS 103 . Offered fall semester in alternate years. CLA-Writing Intensive, CLA-Writing in the Major
  • MUS 315 - Style Analysis

    4 credits
    An in-depth style analysis technique developed by Jan LaRue of New York University. Musical style will be studied from five basic viewpoints: manipulation of timbre, harmony, melody, rhythm, and form. The first half of the course will concentrate on these elements as they are utilized in works chosen from various historical periods. The second half of the course integrates the five basic elements into a cohesive analysis of four pivotal works from music history. Attention will be given to how different composers have utilized the same five elements to produce radically different stylistic results. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered spring semester in alternate years.
  • MUS 324 - Techniques of 20th- and 21st-Century Composition

    4 credits
    A study of techniques developed in this century, applied to original composition work. Techniques derived from composers ranging from Bartok, Stravinsky, Prokofiev, and Britten to Ives, Cage, Oliveros, Glass, and Adams. Emphasizes developments since 1950, with investigation of factors leading to developing one’s own style. Composing and presenting at least one moderate-length work and one large-scale work is also a goal. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: MUS 228  or MUS 260 . Offered spring semester.
  • MUS 325 - Advanced Vocal Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with advanced performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the music department. Students must participate in at least one Works-in-Progress recital in the Concert Hall during each semester in which they are registered for the course.  May be repeated for at most 8 credits towards the degree. Graded Pass/Fail. May be repeated for at most 8 credits towards the degree. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester.
  • MUS 326 - Advanced Keyboard Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with advanced performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the music department. Students must participate in at least one Works-in-Progress recital in the Concert Hall during each semester in which they are registered for the course.  Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree.
  • MUS 327 - Advanced Guitar Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with advanced performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the music department. Students must participate in at least one Works-in-Progress recital in the Concert Hall during each semester in which they are registered for the course.  Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree.
  • MUS 328 - Advanced Strings Instruction

    0-2 credits
    Private music instruction for students with advanced performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the music department. Students must participate in at least one Works-in-Progress recital in the Concert Hall during each semester in which they are registered for the course.  Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree.
  • MUS 329 - Advanced Woodwinds Instruction

    0-2 credits
    Private music instruction for students with advanced performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the music department. Students must participate in at least one Works-in-Progress recital in the Concert Hall during each semester in which they are registered for the course. Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree.
  • MUS 330 - Advanced Brass Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with advanced performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the music department. Students must participate in at least one Works-in-Progress recital in the Concert Hall during each semester in which they are registered for the course.  Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree.
  • MUS 331 - Advanced Percussion Instruction

    0-1 credits
    Private music instruction for students with advanced performance skills. Lessons are with affiliate artists appointed by the music department. Students must participate in at least one Works-in-Progress recital in the Concert Hall during each semester in which they are registered for the course.  Amount of credit established at time of registration. Graded Pass/Fail May be repeated for at most eight credits toward the degree.
  • MUS 334 - Orchestration

    4 credits
    Musicians must be conversant with the instruments commonly used in compositions in western music. This course will study each instrument in the common-practice orchestra and include its history, construction, timbre (tonal quality) and individual writing techniques endemic to its tonal color. As the course progresses, these instruments will be combined into families (string, woodwind, brass and percussion) and then finally as a full orchestra. Students will work with music writing software and instrumental sampling software so they can hear the results of their orchestrations. Prerequisite: MUS 303  or permission of the instructor. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered fall semester in alternate years.
  • MUS 337 - Electronic Music Composition

    4 credits
    Focus is on original composition using electronic sound systems developed over the past half century. Procedures examined include both analog and digital synthesis techniques ranging from a classic Moog Synthesizer to FM and wave table synthesis, MIDI (Music Instruments Digital Interface), sequencing, sampling, and algorithmic control. Goals include creation and presentation of several short works together with a final substantial composition. Enrollment priority: Enrollment priority: music majors and minors. Prerequisite: MUS 101  or permission of the instructor. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered spring semester.
  • MUS 341 - Topics in Music History

    4 credits
    An in-depth study of a topic, viewpoint, or methodology in music history. Topic will vary according to faculty expertise and student interest. May be repeated as topic changes. Enrollment priority: Limited to those with junior or senior standing. Prerequisite: MUS 103 . Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered spring semester in alternate years. CLA-Writing Intensive, CLA-Writing in the Major
  • MUS 350 - Independent Study in Music

    2-4 credits
    Approved and directed projects on particular problems in music. Results to be reported in an appropriate paper. May be repeated for credit with the approval of the department. Signature of instructor required for registration. Offered every semester.
  • MUS 353 - Writing for the Musical Theatre

    4 credits
    An exploration of the history, style, and techniques of writing for the musical theatre through the collaboration of composer, playwright, and lyricist. Course work will include development of original material. Enrollment priority: Given to Theatre Arts and Music majors. Prerequisite: THEA 255  or MUS 260 , or permission of instructor. Same as: THEA+153.
  • MUS 360 - Drew Music Intensive

    1 credits
    The Drew Music Intensive offers an intensive choral experience to students, faculty, staff, and professional community members during the January and summer terms. Participants will rehearse advanced choral repertoire written specifically for chamber choirs, spanning a wide variety of styles and time periods, and will perform a culminating concert at the end of the term. Graded Pass/Fail May be repeated up to 8 times (8 credits) with permission of the instructor. Permission of the instructor required. Offered only during the January and summer terms. CLA- Breadth: Arts
  • MUS 400 - Music Capstone Fall Semester

    2 credits

    The capstone for the music major is a two-semester sequence in which students bring together the creative, performance, historical and theoretical components of the major and place them in the wider context of the liberal arts. In the Fall semester, students meet as a group or individually with the Capstone instructor once per week. They attend designated concerts in the Concert Hall and participate in at least one field trip, selected with student input. Coursework consists of an online portfolio of their best work in the four components of the major, reflective written assignments, and class discussions about shared concert attendance. Students also develop and submit a formal proposal for their Capstone Project, which will be presented as part of the joint Music Capstone Festival in the spring. In the Spring semester, students prepare their Capstone Project, which will be individually designed but will meet specified goals in performance (creative, musical, verbal), writing/research, and creative work. Students will continue to attend designated concerts in the Concert Hall, to engage in departmental assessment, and to meet as a group to discuss shared concert attendance and progress on their Capstone Projects. Offered during fall semester only. CLA-Capstone

  • MUS 401 - Music Capstone Spring Semester

    2 credits

    The capstone for the music major is a two-semester sequence in which students bring together the creative, performance, historical and theoretical components of the major and place them in the wider context of the liberal arts. In the Fall semester, students meet as a group or individually with the Capstone instructor once per week. They attend designated concerts in the Concert Hall and participate in at least one field trip, selected with student input. Coursework consists of an online portfolio of their best work in the four components of the major, reflective written assignments, and class discussions about shared concert attendance. Students also develop and submit a formal proposal for their Capstone Project, which will be presented as part of the joint Music Capstone Festival in the spring. In the Spring semester, students prepare their Capstone Project, which will be individually designed but will meet specified goals in performance (creative, musical, verbal), writing/research, and creative work. Students will continue to attend designated concerts in the Concert Hall, to engage in departmental assessment, and to meet as a group to discuss shared concert attendance and progress on their Capstone Projects. Spring semester only.

  • MUS 410 - Specialized Honors I

    0-8 credits
    CLA-Capstone, CLA-Writing Intensive

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